Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pro Death

So on my way home I see this one office. It was painted pink and purple and had a big sign that said FAMILY PLANNING.


You know, if you think something is right you should stand proud and yell the good news to every human being (for example I occasionally run around the mall yelling "WAFFLES, WAFFLES!!"). Why would you try to sugar-coat your intentions? Or what bugs me the most, why pick a misleading euphemism?

Last time I checked, the verb "planning" means to think before you act. If you're gonna run an abortion clinic, why not call it a "Family quick-fix clinic"? You know, your 14 year-old daughter failed to think ahead, we're here to fix it!

If they all stood proud of their beliefs, mankind would eventually reach this optimal state in which you could take your 8-year-old son to a "Family quick-fix clinic" to "take care of it".

This is not about whether I'm pro-life or pro-death. It's about the rampant use of crappy euphemisms.

1 comment:

Sabu Atack said...

Oddly enough, I was just thinking the other day how it's all Pro-Life or Pro-Choice with such a positive spin instead of Anti-Choice or Pro-Death. Git off my brainwaves!